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Применение акустической микроскопии для изучения упругих свойств и микроструктуры композитных материалов, армированных углеродными волокнами

Лю Сунпин
Тип роботи: 
Дис. канд. физ.-мат. наук
179 грн
Додати в кошик


1.1. Structural organization of carbon fiber-reinforced composite materials 12
1.2. Methods for characterizing and evaluating CFRC materials 18
1.3. Ultrasonic techniques to measure elastic properties of CFRC materials 19
1.4. Defects and inhomogeneities in CFRC materials and methods of their studies 28
1.5. Methods of ultrasonic characterization and NDT&E for CFRC materials 30
2.1. Convergent ultrasonic beams and their interaction with plane-parallel objects 39
2.2. Principles of ultrasonic imaging with focused ultrasonic beam (acoustic microscopy) 45
2.3. Quantitative methods of acoustic microscopy — their applications in sound velocity measurements 53
2.4. Experimental set-up and specimens 57
3.1. Interaction of elastic waves with CFRC ordered structural media — sonic velocity measurements in low-frequency and high-frequency range 61
3.2. Measurement of local elastic properties of free single elements 63
3.3. Measurement of local elastic properties by microacoustic technique for
diverse kinds of CFRC materials 69
3.4. Measuring local elastic anisotropy of individual structural elements within iy CFRC laminate 75
4.1. Specific features of ultrasound reflection and mechanisms of acoustic contrast in CFRC laminates 87
4.2. 3D Acoustic imaging method for CFRC laminates 94
4.3. Bulk microstructure characterization and structural flaw NDE of unidirectional CFRC laminates by using multiple types of acoustic imaging 98
4.4. Studies of bulk microstructure and small-sized defect NDE in multi-directional CFRC laminate 121
5.1. Microstructural features of woven CFRC laminates and acoustic principles in their imaging 143
5.2. Studies of bulk microstructure of plain woven CFRC laminates by using multi-scanning acoustic imaging method 145
5.3. Studies of bulk microstructure of unidirectional tape CFRC laminate by using multi-scanning acoustic imaging method 160
[Actuality!: Carbon fiber-rcinforccd composite (CFRC) laminates belong to the class of reinforced composite materials whose elastic and strength properties are specified by properties of comprising components - resin matrix and reinforcement as well as spatial structure formed by reinforcing components in the matrix body. CFRC laminates consist of microscopic plies (100 150 pm). Plies arc formed as ordered structure of carbon threads (carbon fiber bundles) in the form of sheets of carbon fiber prepreg produced by parallel packing of threads or carbon fabrics produced by weaving carbon threads. The sheets or wefts are impregnated with resin. Mechanical properties of CFRC materials are distinct from properties of the components - matrix and carbon fiber, and are prescribed by material structure. Diverse versions of reinforcing fiber ordering result in variations of mechanical properties in a wide range. By significant anisotropy of carbon fibers and big difference in elastic characteristics of isotropic resin and anisotropic fibers CFRC laminates possess high elastic anisotropy. Anisotropy depends on carbon fiber orientation, kinds of packing carbon bundles within each ply, fashion of ply stacking in laminate structure - due to type and mutual orientation of comprising plies.
Promotion of fiber-reinforced composites has opened a way to theoretical design of construction materials with prescribed properties. Studies in mechanics of composite materials -establishing principles of generation of elastic and strength properties by means of controlled ordering of reinforcing fibers; finding interrelation between properties of structural units, their arrangement and mechanical properties of an entire composite, studying disruption and flaw generation should be based on efficient methods of mechanical measuring and bulk structure investigation. Plentiful fields of practical application demand for efficient methods of non-destructive evaluation of CFRC laminate microstructure and properties, methods of high resolution ft aw detection to reveal small-sized defects in the body of a material or article.
There is a wide set of research methods to study structure and properties at the face of CFRC laminate specimens - light microscopy, electron and probe microscopy, X-ray imaging technique, etc. But these methods are non-effcctive for studying bulk microstructurc within the specimen body, which is fundamental for reinforced materials. Spatial arrangement of structural elements -carbon fiber, fiber bundles, threads and thread tapes; can be distinct within different layers in a ply stack. Occurrence of interlamina adhesive layers, resin pockets and hcadcn flaws - intcrlamina defoliation, voids, microcracks; are typical for CFRC laminates. Ultrasonic techniques are a powerful instrument for structural feature investigation in CFRC materials and for quantitative characterization o f t heir e lastic p ropcrtics. U ltrasound p enctrates f airly deep i nside t he C FRC laminate body. Reflected or transmitted radiation can be employed for measuring velocities of
diverse acoustical modes (bulk and leaky surface ones) or for imaging bulk material structure and visualizing flaws within the body.
Peculiarities of elastic wave propagation through structured matter depend on interrelation between the wavelength and characteristic sizes of structural constitutes. Aims and tasks of ultrasonic technique applications define an ultrasonic frequency range to be employed. At frequency lower than 10 + 20 MHz ultrasonic wavelength substantially larger than characteristic sizes of CFRC laminate structural elements - plies, bundles and so on. Ultrasound is not sensitive to microstructural component presence - CFRC laminate is perceived by ultrasound as uniform generally anisotropic structured medium. Long-wave techniques in this frequency range are commonly used for measuring elastic and viscous parameters of CFRC laminates and in industrial NDI for revealing large-sized defects.
At higher frequency 50+ 100 MHz the CFRC laminate is perceived as a system of uniform anisotropic layers. Ultrasound reflects and refracts at interlamina interfaces. Ultrasonic radiation at these frequencies can be employed for characterizing structural units of the laminate - plies, carbon fiber bundles, carbon threads, tapes, etc. High-frequency focused ultrasonic applications for local measuring including elastic property characterization for particular structural elements. Data on clastic properties of structural elements together with integral characteristics of the composite as a whole make it possible to establish interrelation between material microstructurc and elastic properties.
Scanning the focused beam over the specimen face and recording the reflected signal at each point of the scanning area allows to form acoustical images of the specimen bulk microstructure (scanning acoustic microscopy). Employing ultra-short (1+2 oscillations) probe signals is a way to visualize specimen microstructure both on the specimen face and at definite depth within its body. The technique makes it possible to view layer-by-layer microstructure of laminates, to estimate nature and types of defects, their distribution within a particular ply or in the body of laminate material as a whole. Methods of high-rcsolution acoustic vision demonstrate unique potentialities to get information on bulk microstructure in non-transparent matter, so development of the technique to be applied to CFRC laminate is a topical problem.
[Problems]: As CFRC materials are more widely used, the need of advanced and nondestructive characterizing techniques is becoming critical for measurement of material properties, observation and characterization of microstructurc, study of failure modes and NDT&E of defects, ensuring reliable level of performance in both materials and structural uses. Ultrasonic technique provides opportunity to non-destructive evaluation and characterization of CFRC materials, including reconstruction of elastic constants, visualization of microstructure and evaluation of defects. Previous investigations were mainly focused on the applications of
low-frcqucncy limit:
(1) In measurement of elastic properties the ordered structural CFRC material laminates were treated as uniform structured medium by ultrasound because the employed ultrasonic wavelength was essentially larger than characteristic sizes of their structural elements. The elastic properties c xtractcd f rom d ata o f p hase v elocities a re i ntegral v alucs o f C FRC m aterials a s a whole.
(2) Acoustic imaging did not involve any contrast resulted from ultrasonic reflection at individual microstructure elements of CFRC materials because of limitation of spatial-resolution and no time-resolved reflections from individual structural elements and interfaces of neighbor plies. Although the surface microstructure of CFRC materials could be observed by traditional optical, electronic, etc. microscopy, they are of destructive methods.
(3) The investigations on nondestructive testing and evaluation (NDT&E) of CFRC materials were mainly attracted to the studies of large-scale defect detection and evaluation, which were caused deliberately under loading, such as delaminations, damages, matrix cracks, etc.
Therefore, (1) anisotropic characteristics of local elastic properties of CFRC materials and their structural elements is to be investigated; (2) methods for observation and characterization of bulk microstructure inside CFRC material laminates are to be developed; (3) evaluation and characterization of natural structural flaws and small-sized defects and their morphology and topology in CFRC laminate body are to be studied. In addition, previous investigations on ultrasonic characterization of CFRC materials were primarily attracted to carbon fiber-rcinforccd/cpoxy resin composites. The ultrasonic evaluation and characterization of carbon fibcr-rcinforced/bismalcimide resin composites are to be investigated.
[Aims]: The dissertation is aimed at:
- studying interaction of pulse high-frequency focused ultrasound with ordered composite media using CFRC materials as an example;
- development of principles to apply impulse high-frequency focused ultrasonic radiation for characterization of microstructure and elastic properties of ordered CFRC materials and their structural elements;
- generation of new and efficient ultrasonic methods to visualize bulk microstructure of CFRC laminates including carbon fiber bundles (threads) orientation within plies, distribution of polymer resin over the material body, quality of adhesive films between prepreg or fabric plies;
- development of new acoustic microscopy techniques for non-destructivc evaluation of CFRC materials including detection of macro- and microflaws, revealing their topology and distribution over the specimen body.
[Novelties]: All results given in the dissertation are novel.
High resolution ultrasonic technique for microstructure characterization in ordered composite media have been originally developed. The technique is based on employing small-apcrture high-frequency focused ultrasonic beams.
For the first time interaction of ultra-short pulses of focused ultrasound with layered structures has been investigated. Echo signal formation at interfaces of different types within the CFRC material body has been studied.
For the first time the microacoustical technique based on using short pulses of high-frequency focused ultrasound has been employed to measure local values of longitudinal elastic wave velocity for different orientations of CFRC laminates including propagation velocity measuring along individual plies within ply stacks in the laminate materials.
For the first time sonic velocity values in different directions have been measured for individual carbon fiber microplies, and anisotropy of the individual plies has been estimated.
For the first time mechanisms of imaging diverse details of bulk microstructure in CFRC laminates have been found. Principles for displaying carbon fiber packing within individual plies of t he 1 aminate, for i maging i nterply adhesive i nterfaccs, for d isplaying i nhomogencous r csin distribution over the material body have been determined.
For the first time principles of revealing structural defects (ply bucklings and folds, non-uniform resin distribution, intcrlamina délaminations, etc), voids and inclusions in the body of CFRC laminate structures have been proposed.
fSienificance for practical applications!: Results of the researches demonstrate high efficiency of small-aperture high-frequency focused ultrasonic beam application to non-destructive evaluation of elastic properties and microstructure of CFRC laminate materials. The results provide the basis on high-resolution microacoustical method application in researches as well as for industrial NDE and NDI. The most important results for practice are: technique for characterization of local elastic properties and anisotropy of diverse CFRC materials; methods of acoustic imaging bulk microstructure of CFRC laminates and principles of acoustic image interpretation; methods for visualization and classification of flaws that are typical for different CFRC materials.
[Volume and structurel: The dissertation includes introduction, five chapters (two first are summarizing ones). 176 pages, 90 figures and 17 tables are involved into the dissertation. List of references involves 53 items.
[Main points of dissertationl: The dissertation is aimed at investigating interaction of high-frequency and ultra-short ultrasonic pulse waves with ordered structural CFRC laminates and studying possibilities of application of microacoustical method, which is based on the
high-frequency ultrasound by employing lower aperture focused convergent probe beam, for CFRC laminate structure and mechanical property estimations as well as NDE of structural flaws and small-sized defects. The time-resolved reflection method and mechanisms of acoustic contrast based on propagation of the high-frequency ultrasound in CFRC structured media have been applied
(1) to measure local elastic properties and elastic anisotropy of CFRC laminates and their individual structural elements;
(2) to observe and characterize bulk microstructurc of CFRC laminates, including packing of fiber bundles and plies, topological features of structural ordering, configuration of weft and resin pocket in woven plies, perfection of interlaminar interfaces and geometrical nature of interlaminar layer.
(3) to nondestructivcly evaluate structural flaws and morphology of defects in diverse CFRC material laminates -including unidirectional, bidirectional and multidirectional laminates as well as woven laminates, by means of multiple types of ultrasonic imaging: successive series of C-scan and 5-scans imaging.
[Description of contentl; Chapter 1 includes a review of structural organization of CFRC laminates, their mechanical properties and ultrasonic methods - including the methods for studying elastic properties, microstructure as well as NDE of defects, being in use now to characterize the materials. Section 1.1 contains the basic knowledge on generation principles and structure of CFRC laminates. Ordered structures of carbon fiber bundles or threads resulted from one-layer parallel packing or weaving carbon bundles (threads) and impregnation of the structure by resin subsequent give rise to carbon preprcg plies or carbon fabrics. By the mechanical treating (curing) stacks of such plies finally form laminate composite materials possessing unique elastic and strength properties. Classification of carbon fiber bundles arrangement within a particular ply as well as of ply stacking into a laminate matter is given in section 1.1. A short discussion about methods for characterizing and evaluating CFRC materials is given in section 1.2. Review of ultrasonic techniques that are in use for measuring elastic wave velocities and elastic moduli of CFRC materials is given in section 1.3. Discussion is focused on immersion methods, including the double trip technique and line-focus beam application for measuring velocities of surface and bulk elastic wave modes. The review involves description of the direct measuring technique based on laser excitation of the probe ultrasonic spike. Techniques with using surface and waveguided modes to measure CFRC elastic properties are described as well as resonance methods.
Besides measuring elastic properties ultrasonic beams are employed for flaws detection within non-transparent CFRC materials. Section 1.4 includes classification of main types of structural imperfections in carbon fiber composites - inclusions, voids, cracks, ply bucklings and
folds, thread ruptures, etc. Influence of the imperfections on mechanical properties of matter is under discussion. Section 1.5 contains a review of ultrasonic visualization methods that are in use for NDI of CFRC laminate materials. Ultrasonic NDI technique is compared with other methods of flaw detection. A short discussion about previous studied methods and their limitations is involved in the last part of this chapter.
Chapter 2 describes experimental technique and facilities that have been in use for high-frequency ultrasonic visualization (acoustical microscopy), principles of the visualization as well as methods of application of short pulses of focused ultrasound to measure local values of elastic characteristics (microacoustical technique). To ultrasonically characterize local properties, microstructure and small-sized defects of CFRC laminates, section 2.1 is aimed at analysis on convergent ultrasonic beams and their interaction with plane-parallel object. The general principles of ultrasonic imaging surface and bulk microstructure by employing different focused ultrasonic beams are discussed in section 2.2. It contains three parts - ultrasonic focusing systems with low- and high-aperture, distinct probe signals (in harmonic systems, short-pulse ultrasonic signals), object surface and bulk microstructure imaging by using high and low-aperture focusing systems. Three possible quantitative methods for measuring elastic properties of CFRC materials based on acoustic microscopy are discussed in section 2.3. The microacoustic technique is powerful means to evaluate microstructure and mechanical properties of CFRC materials present-day because of its high resolution and penetration abilities. The last part of the chapter is given to descriptions of experimental set-up and CFRC material specimens to be used for the studies.
Chapter 3 is devoted to the studies of local elastic properties of different types of CFRC laminates and their structural elements by measuring sound velocities. Interaction of elastic waves with ordered structural CFRC media - sonic velocity measurements in low-frequency and high-frequency cases, is discussed in section 3.1. The theoretical analysis shows that the effective sonic velocities of the composite material are different in the short-wave and long-wave limit cases when layers possess different densities and sound velocity values in CFRC laminates. Section 3.2 is given to measure elastic properties of free single structural elements - including matrix materials (pure resin plate), a single ply with adhesive layer and without adhesive layer cases, by using the established experimental set-up. The measurement of local elastic properties of diverse kinds of CFRC materials - unidirectional, bi-directional, multi-directional and woven CFRC laminates, by using the microacoustic technique is the aim of section 3.3. The experimental and theoretical comparison of sonic velocities obtained in high-frequency and low-frequency limits is given in this section too. The anisotropic characteristics of individual layer in cross-ply CFRC laminate are studied in section 3.4. Sonic velocities have been measured in different directions of
fibers - across plies, along fibers and across fibers in individual layers. The detailed experimental results and discussions are given in this chapter.
Chapter 4 is dedicated to the development of microacoustic imaging technique for studying bulk microstructure and structural flaws in the body of diverse preprcg-bascd CFRC laminates. Section 4.1 involves discussions on mechanisms to form acoustic images of diverse elements of internal microstructure in CFRC laminates. Feasibility to visualize particular structural elements and different types of faults in the CFRC laminate specimen body has been assessed. Section 4.2 gives the details of the special microacoustical technique aimed at high-resolution acoustic imaging CFRC laminates. Tomographic operation mode is employed to produce 3D acoustic images of CFRC laminates. Section 4.3 and 4.4 are focused on the application of the devising acoustic vision technique for high-resolution non-destructive evaluating microstructure and faults in diverse CFRC laminates with various topology of ply packing. The main concern is with principles of acoustic imaging interpretation based on primary mechanisms of acoustic contrast for CFRC laminates that have been considered in section 4.1. A plentiful of experimentally studied results with detailed discussions is exhibited in this chapter.
Chapter 5 is focused on the studies of bulk microstructure of woven CFRC materials by using the established microacoustic imaging technique. Section 5.1 is given to description of microstructural features of woven CFRC laminates and mechanisms of acoustic contrast for imaging their bulk microstructure. Section 5.2 and 5.3 are devoted to studies of bulk microstructure of plain woven and unidirectional tape CFRC laminate by using the acoustic imaging method. Mechanisms and interpretation of acoustic imaging microstructure in woven CFRC laminate body are discussed in details based on effective ultrasonic reflections at structural elements. A wealth of experimentally studied results with detailed analysis is involved in this chapter.
Conclusions of the studies in this dissertation are represented after chapter 1 to chapter 5.
fPublicationsl: Dissertation content is reflected in 9 publications and two papers to be published in journal Ultrasonics and Composites (Part B)> as listed in the publications the dissertation.
[Personal contributions!: Work has been performed at the laboratory of acoustic microscopy, Institute of Biochemical Physics, RAS and at Beijing Aeronautical Manufacturing Technology Research Institute (BAMTRI), People’s Republic of China under supervision of V.M. Levin, Ph. D., the head of the laboratory. The problem of imaging diverse microstructural peculiarities in CFRC laminates has been put by the author himself. The author studied principles of acoustic image formation in structured CFRC media. The author proposed classification of structural flaws typical for carbon fiber composites. The author participated in studying
microstructure of CFC materials by other techniques including light microscopy methods. He developed methods of local characterizing elastic anisotropy of CFRC laminates and performed measuring local elastic properties. His contribution to publications prepared in cooperation with other authors is not less than a half.
\Approval of the workl: Results have been reported at scientific seminars, the N. M. Emanuel Institute o f B iochemical P hysics (Moscow, R ussia, A pril-June, 2 001), a t e very-year competition for the best scientific research work, BAMTRI (Beijing, China, September 2002), at MRS Fall Meeting (Boston, USA, November 2002), at 27th international conference on ultrasonic visualization “Acoustical Imaging, 27“ (Saarbrücken, Germany, March 2003), at 8th National Conference on NDT&E (Su Zhou, China, September, 2003), at every-year competition for the best research work, N. M. Emanuel Institute of Biochemical Physics (Moscow, Russia, March, 2004).
Chapter 1. Carbon fiber-reinforced composite materials and ultrasonic methods of their investigation
§1.1. Structural organization of carbon fiber-reinforced composite materials
Carbon fibcr-reinforced composite (CFRC) materials are ordered structures of carbon-fiber reinforcing elements that are embedded into polymer matrix. CFRC materials possess complicated, multi-level spatial organization. The main ingredients of these compositions are carbon fibers and resin binder. Variety of CFRC materials is caused by distinctions in ways to arrange the carbon constituents and variations in properties of fibers and resin.
Strength and elastic characteristics of carbon fibers depend on their precursor and processing condition(MJ. There arc two types of carbon fiber precursors - polyacrylonitrile (PAN) fibers and mesophasc pitch. PAN-based carbon fibers possess high tensile strength and resistance to compressive failure; pitch-based fibers are characterized by high values of elastic modulus. The difference in mechanical properties results from distinct nanostructure of single fiber. Diameter of a single PAN-based fiber is of 8 + 12 pm, whereas diameter of a single pitch-based carbon fiber is much bigger up to 60pm. Fibers are picked up into mesoscopic structural elements - fiber bundles and threads.
A few types of polymer resin - epoxy, bismalcimide, polyimide and others, are in use as a binder. Single fibers or single resin are not useful for real application. Only when they are properly mixed together, desired properties can be reached. First step in fiber-resin arrangement is picking up carbon fibers into initial structural elements - fiber bundles or threads. Impregnated by resin, bundles or threads are the main construction units to build reinforcing structures. Next level of spatial construction is two-dimensional packing bundles or threads into macroscopic construction elements - prepreg plies or carbon fabrics. A single-layer prepreg sheet (ply) is produced by tight parallel packing of fiber bundles linked between them due to resin adhesion. Carbon fabrics are formed from fiber bundles and threads by means of special weaving process. Figure 1-1 is the illustrations of basic material components and structural elements in CFRC laminates.
Finally CFRC laminates are fabricated by stacking prepreg plies or fabrics with prescribed sequence of bundles (in prepreg plies) or weaving (in fabrics) orientation by means of curing and other special kinds of technological processes. Depending on primary components of laminate structure, three main classes of CFRC materials are developed for industrial application (as sketched in Fig. 1-2):
- Prepreg ply-ply laminates based on stacking single-layer prepreg sheets with diverse
mutual orientation of ordered bundles in neighbor layer 1) unidirectional laminates that possess the same bundle orientation in all layers of the stack; 2) bidirectional ones including cross-ply packing with orthogonal orientation of fibers in neighbor laminate and 3) multidirectional laminates. The ordered structure of ply-ply laminates is described by the abbreviate form:
[a! p/ y/-—)nst
where a, /?, y, •— mean orientation directions of carbon fibers of successive laminae: 0°, 90°, ±45° and so on, within each period of successive stacking; s means occurrence of the symmetry plane of stacking and n - number of structure periods on each side from this plane. So the notation [0 / 90°]^, means cross-ply packing of 8 plies that are arranged symmetrically with respect to the median plane of this packing.
- Woven laminates are formed by parallel packing carbon fabric plies, tapes or mates. So initial classification of woven composites comes from kind of a matter to be used as layers of stacking. The most important and widespread kind of woven laminates are materials formed by stacking carbon clothes of diverse weaving. So the next step of woven laminate classification is a type of weaving - plain, serge or satin. Finally, the classification has to include information on number of layers and mutual orientation of two-dimensional networks in successive plies.
- Stitched composites that are ply-ply or woven CFRC laminates reinforced by through-thickness stitching by means of special fiber yam to enhance interlaminar damage tolerance of CFRC materials. Enhanced interlaminar shear strength properties make stitched composites to be more and more attractive for future applications.
So CFRC laminates are multi-level hierarchy structures; every level of it is characterized by specific sizes of structural elements. The smallest elements of the hierarchy are single carbon fibers; their diameter is in the range of 8 + 12 pm (PAN-based fibers). Size across a fiber bundle is close to single ply thickness 120 -5-130 width of bundles usually exceeds essentially their thickness. The final geometrical characteristics of CFRC laminates are specimen thickness and total number N of layers in a ply stack. Usually this quantity is changed in the range from N-2 up to N=200 (or more); respectively the total thickness of CFRC specimens is inside the range of 0.2 + 20 mm. Summary of specific sizes of characteristic structural elements is given in table 1-1.
The main target of fiber reinforcing is control of mechanical properties of structural materials. Response of a structured matter to mechanical loading is derived both spatial arrangement of structural elements and mechanical characteristics of its primary ingredients - polymer resin and carbon fibers.
Polymer resins that are in use as a matrix material are isotropic with rather high values (for polymers) of elastic moduli - bulk modulus K = (6 + 10) GPa and shear modulus G = (2 * 4) GPa.
Table 1-1. Summary of specific sizes of characteristic structural elements for CFRC laminates
Structural element Specific size
single fiber (PAN-based) 8-5-12 pm in diameter
single fiber bundle £ 120 + 130 pm thick, width is essentially bigger than thickness
single prepreg ply 120+ 130 pm thick
CFRC laminate 0.2 + 20 mm (or thicker)
A single carbon fiber possesses graphite-like structure. Crystalline graphite is parallel stacking of hexagonal atomic planes formed by means of strong covalent sp2 bonding of carbon atoms. These graphite atomic planes have had a special name - graphene sheets. Atomic planes interact between them with molecular Van-dcr-Waals forces. Finally crystalline carbon demonstrates the hexagonal structure with C-axis perpendicular to graphite atomic planes. This atomic construction results in high anisotropy of the matter response to mechanical loading and, respectively, g reat v ariations o f e lastic m oduli d epending o n d irection o f a 1 oad. R esponse o f graphite to loads that induce changing atomic array in covalent atomic planes, is characterized by extremely high values of in-plane elastic moduli: C,,= 1060 GPa, C12= 180 GPa, C450 GPa Resistance to changes of the interplane distance is coming from Van-der-Waals forces added interaction of negative charge layers formed by valent tc -electrons on both side of each atomic sheet. This combined interplane interaction is effective enough - elastic moduli C33 and C,3 that described elastic response to load across atomic planes stacking, close to standard values typical for the most of substances: C„= 36.5 GPa, C„ = 15 GPal5). Only the elastic matrice component Cu responsible for interplane shear takes the unusually low value: Cu= 0.2 + 0.8 GPat5J. Full set of elastic moduli characteristic for graphite is given in table 1-2.
Carbon fibers consist of graphene atomic sheets or its fragments. Sheets arc very labile - they can take diverse curved shapes. There are a few versions of graphite - like arrangement of graphene-sheet elements in carbon fibers 161 - concentric packing of cylindrical graphene shells, radial packing of plain graphene sheets, random texture formed by graphene sheet particles that are aligned along the fiber axis with random distribution of their “in-plane” orientation and so on. But in any case, plain or curved graphene sheet elements arc oriented parallel to the fiber axis - a normal to surface of these elements will be perpendicular to the fiber direction. Such alignment of graphene sheet elements provides structure of carbon fibers, suitable to get high values of both the
tensile modulus (Ef - 200 + 600 GPa) and the tensile strength (cjf - 3 + 5 GPa). For such arrangement of material components reaction of a fiber to a tensile load is derived by the in-plane elastic modulus Cn of graphite and in-plane strength of graphene sheet.
Table 1-2. Full set of elastic moduli of graphite
Elastic constant Value (GPa)
c„ 1060
ca 180
C,j = C23 15
c„ 36.5
II 9 u 0.2-0.8
C66 440
The differences in mechanical properties come of the types of fibers - their nano-graphite structure. The tensile strength of PAN-based carbon fibers (carbonized below 2000°C) is in the range of3 + 7 GPa. Their modulus is approximately 200 + 330 GPa. But pitch-based fiber has high modulus and low tensile strength compared the PAN-based carbon fibers. A comparison of the values is listed in table 1-3,,J.
So, main components of CFRC materials - fiber-reinforced system and resin binder, possess essentially distinct elastic properties.
Elastic characteristics of ordered composite materials depend on only properties of constituents but on topology of reinforced elements. The topology specifies relative contributions of binder and reinforced system into elastic response of a composite to diverse loads. 3D parallel packing of fiber bundles of a unidirectional ply-ply composite results in a high value of the longitudinal C,, elastic modulus along fiber packing direction 1 or x. This value is close to the tensile modulus of a single fiber. Contribution of a resin binder into formation of the elastic response of the composite to this kind of load is small. But compression of CFRC laminate specimen across plies is mainly caused by compression of the resin binder in interlaminar space. So the elastic modulus CM (3 or z is a direction perpendicular to laminate stacking) is close to the
ID elastic modulus of resin. In mechanics of structured media (including ordered composites) the special approach (so-called micromechanics) has been developed to arrive at constitutive (stress-strain) relations for a composite starting from mechanical properties of its primary